Even after regular brushing and flossing, there could still be the accumulation of tartar, plaque, and biofilm from both the tooth surface and underneath the gum line. Also, Tobacco, caffeine, wine and other such foods tend to stain teeth over time, and the counter teeth whitening products can only do a temporary job. The accumulation of plaque is quite unsightly and can spoil the appearance of your pearly whites. Bacteria and germs can grow in the plaque that accumulates around teeth, and this can cause dental complications such as gingivitis.
Due to this, it is essential to schedule a visit to a qualified dentist to get your teeth cleaned by scaling and polishing not only for aesthetic purposes but also for health purpose.
Scaling and polishing, also commonly known as teeth cleaning is one of the most fundamental dental treatment.
“Scaling” is the process of removing hardened plaque and tartar (calculus) stuck to your teeth using our ultrasonic scalers. This instrument removes unwanted dirt by knocking them out using its ultrasonic vibrations. It can remove tartar way faster than just using manual hand scaler in the past. “Polishing” on the other hand is the use of a spinning polishing cup/brush to remove plaque and stains on the surface of your teeth.
After the scaling and polishing session, the dentist may apply a concentrated fluoridated gel on the teeth, if required. This gel comes in various flavors such as raspberry, and the purpose of this gel is to help in the prevention of tooth decay by making the tooth more resistant to acid attacks from bacteria in our mouth.
In the past, many people avoid scaling and polishing because they believe that scraping the teeth is bad, or because they experienced sensitivity or receding gums after treatment. However, these are just ordinary misconceptions. There is no cause for worries when you are in the hands of qualified professionals who are trained to perform this task without causing any harm to your teeth.
Why do we need Scaling and Polishing
1. To remove stains caused by food (coffee/tea) or tobacco.
2. To remove tartar or calculus – this helps prevent gum diseases which are the leading cause of gum recession, loose teeth and subsequently, tooth loss.
3. To allow screening for any oral disease, decay, and any cavities.
4. To learn about how best to keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy.
Frequency for Scaling and Polishing of The Tooth
Many factors determine how often you should have your teeth cleaned, and the most crucial element will be the condition of your oral hygiene. Length of dental maintenance intervals is customized according to each’s oral health. Remember, your dentist can only help you when you come for your appointment. Early intervention and preventive treatment is the best option to protect your teeth. Although the most common answer to the big question of how often we should visit the dentist for scaling and polishing, will be once every 4-6 months, this may not always be true.
Make an Appointment Today!
NoFrills Dental @ Marina Square
6 Raffles Boulevard,
Marina Square,
Singapore 039594
T: +65 6227 8885
E: marinasquare@nofrillsdental.com.sg
NoFrills Dental @ Suntec City
3 Temasek Boulevard
Suntec City (North Wing)
Singapore 038983
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+65 9007 1085