Ways To Fight A Gum Infection

Ways To Fight A Gum Infection

Gum Infection or disease is an inflammation of the gum line that can progress to affect the bone that surrounds and support the teeth. The three stages of gum infections from least to most severe are: gingivitis, periodontitis and advanced periodontitis. There are...
Getting Treatment for Your Smile

Getting Treatment for Your Smile

Smile treatment is a treatment for shorter teeth which may include reshaping and lengthening the two front central teeth with composite bonding or porcelain veneers. If you have a gummy smile, your cosmetic dentist may provide treatment to modify the gum line and...
Best Way To Whiten Your Teeth

Best Way To Whiten Your Teeth

There are lots of methods and procedures for whitening teeth. Some may be costlier than the others while others are relatively cheap. Now this article is here to give you natural home remedies to whitening teeth. The materials needed are easily gotten so you...
How Much Dental Bridge Cost?

How Much Dental Bridge Cost?

One or more missing teeth can adversely affect the appearance and functionality of your smile. Missing teeth can cause a change in occlusion (bite), shifting of the teeth, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), speech impediments, an increased risk for periodontal...